Is it true that if you stop eating sugar, you will lose fat rapidly?

Want lasting energy? Less belly fat? Younger-looking skin? Here’s all the motivation you need to break up with the sweet stuff.,Kicking a sugar habit is challenging—even for the most strong-willed among us. See, research has found that sugar tricks your brain into wanting more and more of it. But there’s good news. A little sweetness … Read more

Elderly & Plastic Surgery – Jacksonville Surgeons Offer Tips

American seniors aged 65 and over accounted for 7.3 percent of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, a total of 685,000, last year according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Other countries are seeing the same trend. In the United Kingdom, plastic surgeons report a staggering 303 percent rise in the number of women in … Read more

Positive Parenting Can Help Protect Against the Effects of Stress in Childhood and Adolescence, New Study Shows

Positive Parenting Can Help Protect Against the Effects of Stress in Childhood and Adolescence, New Study Shows

Parenting plays a crucial role in a child’s development and overall well-being. A new study has now shown that positive parenting techniques can help protect children and adolescents against the negative effects of stress. Researchers from XYZ University conducted a comprehensive study involving over 1,000 families to understand the impact of parenting styles on children’s … Read more

Six Basic Nutrients

The six main nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water.,Carbohydrates are essential for energy, the breakdown of protein, and to protect the body from toxins. Glucose feed the body’s chemical processes. Polysaccharides are found in fruit, vegetables and grain. Starch is important. Carbohydrates prevent dehydration.,Proteins are essential as part of the basic nutrients … Read more

Walking on stilts a new sportswear

Walking, jumping or running on stilts has become the latest trend in sports. With jumping stilts can reach two meters or walk over 40 km / h. Human turned into kangaroos do not want to be at ground level.,What had always been done on wooden sticks and used primarily for the theater, acrobatics, art or … Read more

Lymphatic Cancer Treatments

Lymphatic cancer occurs most often in dogs who are between 5 and 9 years old Swollen glands, or lymph nodes, are often the first indicator that a dog has lymphoma Treatment might involve chemotherapy and in some cases radiotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation, and can be curable depending on the histology, type, and stage of … Read more

Can Enlarged Prostate Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Old age comes with its goodies. It is normal for someone to get mature and to grow old. Naturally, as you mature in age, your cells/tissues/organs experience changes. Their functions will not be as when you are young. One of the changes in question is prostate enlargement. The by-product of the enlargement can cause erectile … Read more

Obagi Products – What You Need to Know

Acne and blemish prone skin are all too familiar with more than half of the world’s percentile. Anything from red spots to white heads are seen all over the faces of teenagers and adults alike. Unfortunately there are a lack of products available that promise treatment and that also follow through with treatment. Luckily, there … Read more

Dieting for Your Age

Everybody knows we should be taking in a healthy, well balanced diet, with sufficient of wholemeal, lean protein, and 5 parts of fruit and vegetables daily. If you are taking care of that almost all of times, you will be setting up yourself for great basic health, even if you possess the odd treat or … Read more

Effective Fat Burner for Women

Millions of people want to get rid of those extra body fats that are accumulated around the physique by utilizing effective calorie burning processes. Fat burners are amongst the most wisely utilized methods. Moreover, one need to be aware of the fact that due to gender differences a fat burner for women would be different … Read more