Did you love the sun when you were younger? While occasional sunbathing can be harmless, those who sunbathed frequently may be dealing with sunspots and pigmentation issues later in life. Or maybe you are suffering from the spots that easily come with age. Or did your pregnancy leave you with a happy baby and a not so happy skin condition? Perhaps you face flushes in an instant, and it is embarrassing, especially in social and work settings. If you have sunspots, freckles, melasma, facial flushing, or age spots, you do not have to live with them forever.,Dr. Lorenc, top NYC plastic surgeon, is experienced in using the BBL/IPL, an innovative technology that can repair and reverse the skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sum damage. This procedure can also be used to skin issues that you had no control over, such as freckles, age spots, small facial veins, facial flushing, and melasma, which is also known as pregnancy mask.,The BBL/IPL technology also helps remove embarrassing skin conditions that people have no control over happening. It is hard to love the way you look when freckles, facial veins, facial flushing, or melasma plague your face and skin. Melasma is a condition that happens when the skin goes through hyperpigmentation through the surge of hormones associated with pregnancy or taking the pill.,Since this procedure is gentle and effective, there is rarely need for down time. Most patients can return to work right after. Most patients can also wear make up, if they desire, in the treated spot safely after the procedure. Due to the laser’s gentleness, it can be used on any body part that has the condition, such as the shoulders, face, back, and chest.,You do not have to live with your past mistakes of sunbathing anymore. Nor do you have to feel like everyone is staring at your dark spots and facial flushing. Dr. Lorenc is an expert at enhancing your true beauty. With his help, you will look like a better version of you and in no time at all! Many conditions will greatly improve in one session, but greater cases may need more than one session to completely repair the skin.,Why would you trust anyone less than a qualified plastic surgeon to perform this procedure? A top plastic surgeon, like Dr. Lorenc, has the training and skilled hands. With Dr. Lorenc’s experience in plastic surgery and with the BBL/IPLtechnology, your skin conditions will be repaired and reversed, so you can love the way you look again.,To prevent many of the skin conditions mentioned, such as sunspots and melasma, wear a 30+SPF on your face and exposed skin daily, even if the weather is cold. This will keep these issues from reappearing. Unlike different clothing, your skin is something you wear every day. Take care of it to prevent issues, but also know that when skin conditions occur, they can be taken care of in a safe and effective way.,You can find out more about NYC plastic surgeon on his website, www.lorenc.com. For more information on how you can schedule a consultation and get one step closer to the look you want to achieve, call Dr. Lorenc’s office at (212) 472-2900. He has convenient office locations in New York City, New York, South Hampton, New York, and Santa Rosa, California.