Rheumatoid Arthritis is basically a disorder that affects tissues and organs as well as synovial joints. This chronic and systemic inflammation does not only affect the joints, but some other organs of the body such as the eyes and lungs. The cause of this disease is still unknown, and it is classified as an autoimmune disease that affects women of middle age more than it does men.,This disease can affect various parts of the body including the joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, eyes etc. In initial stages of the disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis might have symptoms that seem very ordinary and common. However, these symptoms must be taken as a warning signal.,Rheumatoid arthritis can cause injuries that are hard to heal. These injuries are persistent, and are normally not curable through ordinary medical procedures. Another top symptom of arthritis is carpal tunnel syndrome that results in tingling or numbness in hands and wrists, usually severe during the night. However, doctors often mistake this as a symptom for carpal tunnel syndrome only.,Foot trouble is another common area that is indicative of rheumatoid arthritis. This disease causes inflammation in the forefoot and sometimes in the heel area. This is because of the tissue swelling at the bottom of the foot. Women sufferers often stop wearing heels because of this pain.,Sjogrens syndrome is another common symptom for rheumatoid arthritis. This autoimmune disorder causes inflammation of the glands that produce moisture, which in turn, causes dryness of mouth, nose, throat, skin and eyes, etc. This symptom might be mistaken for any other disease if considered partially by the patient, and the doctor; as such, it is important for people experiencing these signs to get a thorough exam by a reliable doctor.,RA also causes aching of joints, which is common in every patient suffering from this disease. This pain could be mistaken for pain from osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue disorder or overexertion and fatigue. However, what differentiates this pain from ordinary pain is the fact that it lasts longer than a week, and is symmetrical in nature, affecting both sides of the body at the same time.,Morning stiffness is another common indicator, might also be caused by osteoarthritis. However, the stiffness in joints from Rheumatoid Arthritis lasts longer. Locked joints are also experienced by such patients especially in the elbows and knees. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis causes hard lumps under the skin, which are seen near the affected joints such as elbows, eyes or knees.