Getting heartburn is a very uncomfortable affair. It is made worse by the fact that it does not have an instant remedy. Heartburn is not a disease in the real sense; it is a symptom of a condition called acid flux. Acid flux takes place when acid from the stomach moves in reverse into the esophagus. This movement causes one to experience some pain. This pain is what is referred to as heartburn. Persistent acid reflux is called Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GED).,To get rid of heartburn we must address the root cause which is acid reflux. So what causes acid reflux? Acid reflux can be triggered by a number of factors. These include:,• Poor Eating habits: overeating contributes to the problem to a large extent. However also the type of food you eat will affect you.,• Hernia: People who suffer from this condition usually experience acid reflux and consequently heartburn.,• Peptic Ulcers: This causes gastric acids to accumulate in the stomach. These acids may accumulate and move into the esophagus.,• Pregnancy: Acid reflux usually occurs in the last three months of the pregnancy. It happens when the baby presses on the stomach making the acid in the stomach reverse into the esophagus. The problem subsides once the pregnancy comes to term.,• Asthmatic Conditions: asthma and acid reflux have a very high correlation. The causation is however anyone’s guess. All that is known is that people with asthma often have heartburns as a result of acid reflux.,• Cigarette Smoking: Smoking not only increases acid in the stomach, it also makes the sphincter muscles of the esophagus weak. This combination promotes the backflow of acids into the esophagus.,• Alcohol Consumption: Cutting down on alcohol intake has been shown to reduce heartburn.,• Bending: Although ideally this should not cause you to have heartburn, it does happen at times. If you do experience this stand up for a while and the problem will resolve,What Happens During Heartburn?,Stomach acid is kept in your stomach with the help of gravity. When you are standing up gravity will tend to hold the acid in your stomach. However when you lie down the effect of gravity is negated. This may result in the stomach acid flowing backwards into the esophagus. This is the reason why heartburns usually occur when you are lying down.,Using a Bed Wedge Pillow,Using a wedge pillow is a non medical treatment that is regularly recommended by doctors. A wedge pillow is simply a way to hold the upper bodies on a slope as you lie down. This enables gravity to hold the acid in your stomach when you are lying down. People with GED usually find it hard to sleep but with a bed wedge pillow they can get some semblance of peaceful sleep. It is simple but is not a permanent cure.,Although it is not a cure, using a wedge pillow may offer those who suffer from GED some hope of sleeping peacefully at night. So next time you experience heartburn, do not rush to your nearest drug store for a remedy. Just grab a pillow and you can say goodbye to the torture.