We know that eating healthy foods can prolong our lives and keep us healthy but do you know which foods to eat that give you better vision? Here are some tips for which foods to eat to keep your vision healthy!,You know the old-wives’ tales, the ones that tell you eating carrots will give you night vision and consuming leafy greens will keep glaucoma away. There’s a bit of truth to the mostly fiction tales we were told as kids. Consuming certain foods will actually benefit your vision. It’s always a good idea to eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle but eating certain foods more than others will definitely boost your vision. Did you know that specific antioxidants and minerals have been proven to severely lower the risk of getting both macular degeneration and cataracts as well as improve your eye sight with both diseases? With information like that, it seems like a no-brainer that eating healthy is the way to go.,Foods with beta-carotene are like a one-two punch for health benefits! Eating foods with beta-carotene will ensure that your eyes are guarded and the toxins stay out. Mom always told us to eat our carrots and she was right! Carrots contain a healthy dose of beta-carotene. A handful of baby carrots a day will yield great results in your vision – plus they’re a versatile food and a great snack when dipped in hummus, peanut butter, and salsa or when eaten alone!,Bell peppers, brussel sprouts, and broccoli are superfoods! They contain a ton of vitamin C which will not only help your immune system but also help your vision! These “B” veggies will help protect your precious eyes and keep them healthy. How much do you eat? Around a half cup of bell pepper or one cup of either brussel sprouts or broccoli each day will keep your vision strong and protected.,Did you know that turkey – both roasted and deli-style – is rich in zinc? It’s also rich in protein! The zinc found in turkey will help treat and prevent eye diseases! Go ahead and eat it in a sandwich, salad, or as a main meal – you can’t go wrong.,Spinach is the trifecta of superfoods! It may not always seem like the best choice to munch on but make no mistake- it should be in every salad you eat! This leafy green is chalk full of beta-carotene, vitamin C, and anti-oxidants which makes it the mother of all superfoods for your eyes. Spinach has a specific anti-oxidant called leutine which is almost specific to the eyes. It acts as a sunscreen for your eyes because it absorbs the blue-light intensity.,You’ve probably heard from your doctor that Omega-3 fatty acids will help lower your cholesterol but did you know it also helps the tiny vessels in your retina that help protect your vision? Foods like salmon, tuna, and sardines protect your eyes while preventing the deterioration of your retina. Another great food to eat to keep your eyes healthy is the basic sweet potato. Not only does it taste great, it helps keep your eyes bright and healthy!,The next time you go grocery shopping, be sure to stock up on these super healthy superfoods. While they won’t reverse the need for prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, they may help keep your eyeglasses prescription from getting worse. Besides, it’s easier to prevent eye deterioration than it is to correct it.