Once we have understood why we have dark circles under our eyes, it is time to provide the necessary tips to destroy them.,As people grow older, the dark circles under the eyes are more accented. As we age and receive more hours of sun exposure, our skin becomes more fragile and delicate, and the veins that it covers are more noticeable during this period. Although the influence of tiredness or sleeplessness on dark circles has been largely studied, it has been said that they can appear as a result of hormonal changes, but usually they are hereditary.,Therefore, all care to give to your eyes is never enough. Here you have some useful techniques to make the circles under your eyes vanish, as it they had never existed before.,Often, the dark spots are provoked by the shadows of fat that is generally accumulated in the lower eyelids through the natural process of aging. If this were the case, cosmetic surgery is the only effective way of removing the fat bags better than ¨alluring¨ makeup.,Rest is a very useful technique to make the dark circles disappear. Drink lots of water so that your skin can be hydrated and stay away from cigar and smoking. Painless and effective eye care prevention, isn´t it?,First of all, bathe a cotton pad into fresh mint juice or cold drink. Then, sty back with your feet higher than your head and later put the wet swab on your eyes. Keep that way 10 minutes. In order to get better results, practice this activity every day. You can also massage crocus or almond oil on the dark spot before going to sleep. A healthy diet rich in iron, proteins and vitamins is also advisable.,Eye care is very important to make dark circles disappear forever. In the particular case of women, eyes convey a large variety of meanings and feelings. If, as a matter of fact, eyes are the ¨soul windows¨, for women eyes are like open books, eager to be read and understood.,Another contributing factor to dark circles under the eyes is smoking. Even if you are not an active but a patient smoker, someone else’s smoke can transform the way your eyes look. As smoking destroys huge quantities of vitamin C , try to take it every time you can so that your eyes may be light up again.