Heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, gallstones, osteoarthritis, breathing problems, sleep problems and gout are but a few diseases and health conditions associated with obesity and overweight.,Overweight people can greatly improve their overall health by losing a few pounds off their body. Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss are making a huge effort to help people improve their health. For the residents of California, Diet Doc has launched a proprietary, medically, supervised weight loss program- HCG Diet California. Most individuals approaching us in order to lose weight are experiencing adverse health conditions or have been diagnosed with health conditions such as diabetes II even before they could realize it on their own. Losing weight is ‘their’ number one priority at that point in their life, explains Julie Wright, president of Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss.,Losing even a small percentage of weight can greatly help in reducing these deadly health conditions. Diabetes II, which reduces the body’s ability to control blood sugar, is one of the major reasons of deaths occurring in the USA.,Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss is the only modern day version of the old 1950s Simeon’s HCG diet. The HCG Diet doctors work collaboratively to identify trends within their patient panel and continue to update and evolve their diet protocol.,Why should HCG Diet California be your preferred choice for weight loss?,Well, there are many reasons to quote but a few main points have been enlisted below.,1)The primary reason is that the weight loss diet is individually customized for every individual based on his/her medical history and current healthstats.Moreover,the consultation is free of charge.,2)It is the easiest ever diet that doesn’t even tell you to go for a workout or exercise.,3)It helps you lose weight at a greater pace with effectiveness.,4)The HCG Protocol prescribed is safe and medically supervised over the entire duration of continuing with the diet. We even provide a ‘Certificate of Authenticity’.,”Our mission is to educate people on healthy food choices, while losing their maximum daily weight loss safely, without charging additional to speak to one of our nurses or weight loss coaches” states Julie Wright, president of Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss.