Shy bladder syndrome is more serious matter then it may sound because it can really put you in hot waters on a great day. Because of your inability to urinate in front of others you feel uncomfortable all the time as you have to hold your bladder just to avoid making use of a restroom. People who are suffering from shy bladder syndrome experience hesitation in using public bathrooms; on the other hand you will also come across people who can just go to any restroom they hit upon. Bladder syndrome varies in terms of degree from being a mild syndrome to very extreme and it’s a very embarrassing situation for victims who need to be checked by a doctor or else you can also choose to get cured at your home. This syndrome is often presumed to be an anxiety disorder because most of the doctors and therapists are not aware of this syndrome and the effects that it has on one’s mental and physical health.,Individuals who are suffering from this syndrome have been witnessed to cancel meetings and postponed their work that can be important to them and it’s all because they find it difficult to hold their urge going to pee for a long time and due to this reason most of the time they avoid going out of their home. People who don’t cure the syndrome on time can also experience this at home, so it’s important to take action against it before the condition gets worse.,• Starters can start curing the syndrome by consuming less liquid which will helpful because they will not feel like going to pee after few hours, on the other hand this will lead them to dehydration. Therefore, it is important that you need to maintain a balance between the two.,• Another thing that will be helpful in curing the shy bladder is to share your experiences and troubles to your fellas who value you well and keep you motivated by realizing your hard work in overcoming the syndrome. You can also try cognitive behavior therapy as this will help you in speedy recovery.,• You can also try to ignore your social nervousness and start behaving in normal manner like other people. It is important to do because this can help you to do well in getting out of your comfort zone which will make your situation better and increase your confidence.,• Whenever you go to a restroom, try to use bathrooms which contain a distraction in them. Distraction can be termed as anything; it can also be some soothing background music in the restroom or a fountain in it. Silence makes people uncomfortable during the performance and there are washrooms that are specially designed for the purpose of Paruresis and it makes people comfortable during the whole process.,• The most important thing to overcome shy bladder is to struggle with a situation as a challenge. If you keep performing well, you will find it easier like other people to go to restroom even if it’s not urgency.