It is a fact that today’s bodybuilding arena is influenced by the use of anabolic steroids. The trend has become more and more apparent over the years. The use and abuse has become so wide spread that we can no longer afford to ignore the topic. Whether you feel strongly for or against the use of steroids is your own decision. However before making any decision it is your responsibility to fully educate yourself with the facts. Here is an analogy. A parent may not feel comfortable talking to their kids about sex for the first time but they can’t continue to avoid the topic. Simply because a parent talks to their children about sex doesn’t mean that they want them to go out and have sex. Instead they are hoping that with the proper information they will be able to make an educated decision.,Until you can put yourself in someone else’s position it is tough to know why they make the decisions they do. For example, if you are pro athlete and you have the opportunity to extend your career, or compete for a starting position perhaps you may be more likely to consider the alternative. You may call this an unfair advantage or cheating but where do we draw the line. People that use bodybuilding supplements have an unfair advantage over those that chose not to use them. Does that mean they are cheating as well? It is a very gray area and there doesn’t seem to be clear-cut right or wrong answers to many of the questions we ask ourselves. In some countries it is legal to take steroids. Does that mean it’s ethically okay to use steroids in certain countries and not others? One could argue yes to that question. In the United States Steroids are illegal therefore it would be wrong to take them here. The debate could go on and on and I’m sure it will for many years to come.,One thing you can do is educate yourself about the possible dangers of steroid use. Most of the benefits are commonly known so this article will discuss the other side of the coin.,Dangers of Steroids,When prescribed and used correctly, steroids can be very beneficial for many people. Steroids are often used to control asthma or to improve the health of people with auto-immune disorders. When used without the supervision of a physician, steroids can be very dangerous substances that cause many mental and physical health problems. Understanding the risks involved with using steroids can be helpful in deciding whether or not to proceed with this dangerous habit.