Medical Marijuana in the United States for cities like Colorado refers mainly to the use of cannabis. Cannabis has got medical usage and is also used for recreational purposes. Colorado Medical Marijuana is known to have been accepted by more than half of its voters as per the law amendment 20. As per this law, usage of marijuana is allowed only for medically prescribed patients. Without such medical consent people possessing such drugs are confiscated and the law has different punishments which are quite strict. Possession of such drugs can land up an individual’s name to the criminal records. But doctors are allowed to harvest such medicinal herbs to cater to people’s need.,People suffering from deadly diseases like cancer, HIV AIDS are allowed a specific dosage of cannabis to give some relief from their terrible pain. Patients with chronic nerve disorders are prescribed such drugs. The chemist shops sell such drugs only to those people possessing proper medical documents. FDA in States takes the responsibility of ensuring that consumption of drugs for proper treatment does not increase the proportion of health risks. They are always on their toes to prevent drug intake in the society. Smoked cannabis, however, is completely banned in Netherlands and its usage is not allowed even for any chronic disease. This is because they are aware of the underlying risks associated with such drugs.,Colorado Medical Marijuana has put restrictions on the quantity to be sold each day. This has made illegal possession more difficult and in turn benefited the society. But doctors are frequently found to oppose its prohibition. The law passed also suggests identification cards for the patients consuming marijuana. The Central department for public health has also made the necessary list of patients after medical registrations. Some informational websites are known to have helped out the patients with the process of registrations.,Such databases for patients which happen to be quite secretive have also been issued for Denver Medical Marijuana. A number of companies have helped out with the supplies of Marijuana. However all are not known to do the job with very good intentions. The government has also imposed taxes on marijuana in an attempt to decrease its usage. Reports have also revealed strong relations between increasing incidence of crime and consumption of marijuana. The restricted drugs are also black marketed. Such crime takes place especially around the dispensaries. The advantages for such illegal activities are due to sale of unrestricted quantity. However, recently the government is taking necessary steps to lower the incidence of drug intake.