When you spot cleverly disguised candy labeled as “all natural foods” or cookies advertised as “high fiber foods”, it is a good idea to look very closely before wasting money on them. Some food manufacturers are now using many new tricks to convince the general public that their products are nutritious, despite the ingredients. Some of those ingredients incorporate “natural” flavors, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils and trans fats, which have been linked to grim, life-threatening diseases. Other ingredients are artfully camouflaged as healthy high fiber foods or all natural foods, when in fact they’re really just more processed junk.,Don’t be fooled by the marketing tricks of the food industry. Now, it is easier than ever to pass up mysteriously processed foods by including more genuine, all natural foods and high fiber foods in your diet. When you watch what you consume, your self-awareness and self esteem increases. Then, you realize that it’s easier to manage a healthy weight, produce more energy and develop a happier, healthier lifestyle.,As you adhere to a diet of more truly all natural foods and high fiber foods, your digestive system naturally works to break down the nutrients using the proper proportion of energy, without tricking the body. Foods that are loaded with different additives may take longer to digest. Those nutritionally poor foods on most grocery store shelves frequently drive the body to work harder in order to metabolize the additives. This can drain vital energy, making you feel inactive and sleepy. All natural foods impart the body with more usable fuel and high fiber foods help your digestive system run more efficiently. Your body likes that, so it rewards you with health and happiness.,Foods incorporating artificial sweeteners are even more challenging for the digestive system to process. The body produces insulin in an effort to break down glucose. This is not a big challenge when digesting all natural foods or high fiber foods that are full of natural glucose. Conversely, when you ingest food that has artificial sweeteners, the body believes it has consumed sugar. Insulin is then produced , but can’t be taken advantage of to break down the glucose because it’s not really there. In a sense, the artificial sweetener has tricked the body. The unused insulin is eventually stored in the liver. The more toxins that accumulate in your liver, the less fat that can be broken down. That’s why artificial sweeteners are believed to actually contribute to obesity, and have been known to trigger certain cancers.,By consuming more high fiber foods, notably all natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, your body naturally feels more fit and healthy. Many studies have revealed that this type of positive nutrition lowers your risks of contracting critical diseases. You become far less fearful of getting sick and your brain lets your body know that. Often, it’s the stress produced from thinking you may contract a disease that actually contributes to the onset of a collapse in the immune system.,Eat more real, all natural foods and high fiber foods to elude trouble for your body, and stay away from ingredients like hydrogenated oils, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, colors or flavorings. It is smart to remember that a diet filled with all natural foods and a broad selection of high fiber foods will help you preserve a happy, healthy lifestyle.