Sleep apnea happens when the muscles in the back of your throat relax at night, partially blocking your airway. Breathing can then become interrupted for several seconds to minutes, many times every hour; during these breathing pauses you typically do not breathe and have a low oxygen level in your bloodstream. A CPAP machine is a small, portable device that blows continuous positive air into your nose to keep your airways open. The steady flow of oxygen creates the pressure needed for snoring prevention and sleep apnea treatment. This belt wraps around your chest to hold the CPAP in place while you sleep.,CPAP users need to make sure they know which type of mask styles will work with their Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. Some may only use the masks that come with the CPAP machine, while others will want to explore some other options. Here are some CPAP masks you can choose from if your sleep apnea keeps you up at night. They may seem like simple machines, but CPAP(continuous positive airway pressure) machines are pretty complicated. And they’re somewhat uncomfortable to wear as well, which deter a lot of people from using them regularly.,IF YOU USE A CPAP, THERE ARE FIVE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW:,Whether you need it or not, fixed pressure machines maintain constant pressure. The trend for auto machines began 5 decades ago but is still running great. The pressure is adjusted automatically up and down to match your actual needs. The main distinction between a traditional CPAP machine and an APAP is how it works. The APAP equipment will automatically adjust air pressure based on how you breathe. Depending on your sleep position, stress level, health, and weight, your pressure needs may alter. APAP machines regulate themselves to keep your pressure as low as feasible while yet efficiently preventing apnea. Regardless of the situation, a basic CPAP machine maintains constant pressure. You must see your doctor alter a standard CPAP. All of the tweakings is done for you using an APAP, so you don’t have to go to the doctor.,Medical gadgets have progressed in lockstep with other technology, and CPAP machines are everywhere. CPAP machines are getting smaller, lighter, and quieter, to the point where you don’t even notice they’re on. (On the market, the smallest CPAP machine weighs just over a pound!). This implies that if/when you decide to buy a new mask or machine, you won’t have to worry about compatibility issues because any machine, regardless of model, will function with any mask. CPAP users frequently believe that their mask does not fit their tube or CPAP machine and that nothing they do will make the mask fit. This means that a piece of your old mask is still lodged in your tube. The tube’s ends should be connected by rubber; if you detect plastic, it’s a remnant of your old mask. Remove the plastic piece by pressing firmly on the rubber tube end. Once you’ve removed the old plastic piece, you’ll notice that your new mask fits wonderfully.,If you’ve been using your mask for a time, you may notice that it no longer seals as well as it once did. To compensate for this, you may begin to tighten your headwear, which may progressively make you uncomfortable. This must not be done! Replace your seal instead. Seals can wear out faster than you expect, resulting in a looser fit and, in some cases, a loud leak. You might want to keep a backup seal on hand just in case. Check with your insurance carrier to see if two nasal pillows/cushions and one full-face cushion each month are covered.,A CPAP machine, like other medical equipment, requires very minimal maintenance. Each one comes with a filter that should be changed as needed. The heated humidifier’s water chamber is the only other portion of the machine that needs cleaning other than the filters. The damp environment in a CPAP machine is ideal for bacteria and mold to thrive. These molds and bacteria can irritate your sinuses and cause other health issues, defeating the goal of your CPAP. Every day, you should clean your tube and mask. Once a week, the headgear and humidifier should be cleaned. Warm water and a light, unscented soap should be used to clean your equipment. On your CPAP, never use vinegar or bleach.,As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, many people have begun to take control of their treatment. Purchasing equipment online without dealing with red-tape or insurance issues is becoming more common among the baby boomer generation. It is also usually far less expensive in the long run.