Let’s face it, there are germs everywhere and we are always at risk of getting sick from them. Our day-to-day interactions put us in contact with numerous bacteria and viruses, all of which can potentially make us ill. The only thing keeping us healthy is our immune systems.,Those of us with stronger immune systems seem to remain healthy while the seasonal bugs knock others down. This article will provide you with the #1 way to help boost your immune system and keep it working properly.,Nutrition,Probably the most important way to keep your immune system working properly is through proper nutrition. They say, ‘you are what you eat’, and if your diet consists of heavily processed foods, or crap as I like to call it, then your immune system will be the same. Crap.,Our bodies require a steady intake of proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to keep the immune system elevated and working properly. The only way we can achieve this is through eating a diet that consists largely of whole foods, such as organic fruits, vegetables, grains and meats.,Not only has protein malnutrition been shown to cause a degradation of our immune system by depleting immune cells, but any difference in the proportion of the 20 amino acids, which make up a protein, will also impinge on our immune system.,This is why it is essential that your diet include whole foods with high protein levels, like those found in fish and eggs. Many whole grains and vegetables are also great sources of amino acids.,Practically every single vitamin that you take in through the food you eat is important to help keep your immune system healthy. A few vitamins have gained additional attention than others, and they include: Vitamin C, A, E, K, and the B complex group of vitamins.,a. Vitamin C,Nobel Prize winning scientist Linus Pauling was the first to promote vitamin C as an immune boosting vitamin, and this little vitamin has stayed on top of the list for those looking to fight colds and boost their immune system ever since.,Great sources of natural vitamin C come from citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruits, as well as other fruits like goji berries, and such vegetables as romaine lettuce, parsley, and cauliflower.,b. Vitamin A,This vitamin helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells, essential for keeping the immune system elevated and working properly. Not having enough vitamin A in our diets has been known to weaken antibodies potency and T-cell functionality.,c. Vitamin E,Vitamin E is a vital antioxidant that helps the body to produce red blood cells and absorb vitamin K. Some natural food sources include almonds, sunflower seeds and dark leafy vegetables like spinach.,d. Vitamin K,Vitamin K assists with blood clotting, an essential part of the immune system, and has also been linked to bone building. Natural sources of this vitamin include cauliflower, asparagus and dark leafy greens like spinach.,e. B-vitamins,The group of B vitamins are essential in keeping the immune system elevated and working properly. From B5, which helps to regulate antibody production, and B9, which helps with the creation of T-cells, to B1 and B2, which assists in antibody response. Whole grains, turnip, spinach, mushrooms, red pepper and fish are all good sources of the group of B vitamins.,There are many minerals that are important in keeping the immune system elevated and working properly, such as zinc, iron, copper, and selenium.,a. Zinc,Of all minerals that are good for our immune system, zinc is the most widely known. Typically used to fight off colds, zinc is a great mineral to help strengthen our immune system so that these colds never happen in the first place. As in most cases, the idea is to never over do it, as too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Getting zinc naturally from food is the recommended way to keep your immune system healthy. Food sources include such things as lamb, mushrooms, swiss chard, collard greens, summer squash and winter squash.,b. Iron,Appropriate levels of iron will assist in our immune system’s ability for proper antibody response and white blood cell functionality. Sources of iron include parsley, thyme, cinnamon, tofu, beans, peas, spinach and romaine lettuce.,c. Copper,Copper assists with the creation of immune cells, like white blood cells and T-cells. Natural sources of this mineral include turnip, swiss chard, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus and squash.,d. Selenium,Selenium helps to promote healing from cells and tissue damaged by inflammation. This mineral can be found in whole grains, tofu and certain types of fish.,The omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to assist in immune system health. The problem that most of us suffer is an imbalance between our omega-6 and omega-3 intake. A healthy balance should be as little as 1 to 1 and as high as 1 to four for omega-3’s. To assist with your immune system, decrease your omega-6 intake and increase your omega-3 intake by eating more wild fish like salmon.