Not all running surfaces and conditions are the same, so there are different types of running shoes to allow you to get the best out of whatever kind of running you do most often. The four most common are:,Road Shoes,Most of the running shoes on the market are road shoes. They will be relatively heavy as they are well cushioned to provide the most comfort as you pound the pavement, and the soles will be very hardwearing. The outsole will be curved upwards slightly at the toes to propel you forward but flat enough to ensure stability.,Ideal for: beginners and non-competitive runners.,Performance Training Shoes,A lighter version of the above, with much of the cushioning removed and a steeper curve to the last for added responsiveness. They will also have made sacrifices as regards stabilizing materials, thus are not recommended for runners who over-pronate or supinate.,Ideal for: fast runners, or racers who need greater stability than is offered by race shoes.,Race Shoes,Ultra-lightweight shoes, with a fully curved last and virtually all cushioning and stability materials removed in the quest to strip away apparently excess grams.,Ideal for: elite runners, sub-three-hour marathoners.,Trail Shoes,With heavier, ruggedly constructed uppers and outer elements, these have greater grips on their soles to cope with off-road surfaces. Because terrain will often be softer, they will have less cushioning than road shoes to compensate for reduced responsiveness.,Ideal for: cross country runners.,What Makes Good Running Shoes Run?,Starting from the bottom, a running shoe’s outsole – the bit that hits the road – will be made of rugged carbon rubber, or aerated blown rubber. The former is more durable, the latter provides better cushioning.,Midsoles are on top of that and are the most important component as that’s where the flexibility/rigidity balances are made. The basic midsole material will be EVA or polyurethane, although modern shoes cushioning is adjusted with internal pockets of gel, liquid or air, or various “energy return” devices.,Insoles are largely for comfort and serious runners will prolong the life of shoes by replacing the manufacturers’ insoles with specialist versions. The heel counter is a rigid piece of support, designed to hold your heel upright and prevent lateral movement.,Uppers are usually of synthetic material, made for lightness and strength and often in a weave that allows air to pass through.,How To Take Care Of Your Running Shoes,Look after your shoes and they’ll look after you, a maxim every runner should remember. A well-kept pair of shoes will provide much more comfort and support for a longer amount of time than a neglected pair. Although most modern running shoes are made of durable, impervious fabric and need very little care, if you follow these dos and don’ts, you will get the maximum mileage out of them.